Follow our family as we build our dream house and live our life in between.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Let the packing begin!

Not because we are moving anytime soon, well we are, but not for about another month and a half, but because I have lost my wedding ring.  I can not find it anywhere, so as I am tearing the house apart to look for it, I might as well pack things up at the same time.  My ring has been missing for about a month and a half.  I did not look for it right away because I can't wear it all the time, so I have it off and on always, so I just thought it was in one of my normal places.  I can not wear my ring to work, I have a stand in ring for work, so I take my ring off often.  I usually put in my jewelry stand, but sometimes it comes off and lands on the bathroom counter.  That is where I believe it was last.  Loy said he saw it on the floor at one point and picked it up and put it back.  Not sure when that was and if I saw it after that, but that is the last time I can determine it was last seen.  Who know what little fingers may have gotten to it.  My concern right now is that it got knocked into the trash can and out with the trash and it is gone for good.  I have torn up my bathroom several times, gone through the drawers, looked in the laundry baskets, in the sink, in the floor vents.  Today I tore up the living room and the couches with no such luck.  Hoping one of the kids picked it up and "misplaced" it and it will be found before we move.  Yes it is only material items and it can be replaced, as Loy lovingly pointed out, but it just won't be the same.  Almost 7 years ago, December 26th, I received not only a beautiful ring, but a promise of a future with a wonderful man.  Wonderful memories and a special kind of love was put in that ring.  It so special that Loy picked it out special just for me, knowing what I loved and giving me such a special gift.  It was blessed in our wedding ceremony as a  symbol of our precious, everlasting love.  A new ring just won't be the same and who knows when that will happen (read $$$ and a new house that needs new furniture and new mortgage).  I feel horrible for possibly loosing such a precious gift.  Please say a prayer for me that I find my ring.  I love my ring and all it represents.


  1. I am so sorry it is lost! Everything you said was so beautiful and I am certain it will turn up!

  2. I'm with you on the specialness (ok that's probably not even a word but so what :)) of the original wedding ring. Lots of prayers that you find it and also, check the u pipe under the sink in your bathroom. Maybe it fell in the sink? and check the washer (under the agitator if you have one)just some thoughts...
