Follow our family as we build our dream house and live our life in between.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Day two install

Day two we called in some recruits to help with the bigger stones.  We figured we couldn't do it with Loy, weakling me and the one armed man.  We had a friend from church come help and one of Loy co-workers came by.  We pulled out an 8 foot piece and got to work on the piece that goes around the sink.

Drilling the holes for the sink cut-out.  Our friend, Billy helped us so much.  He is a cabinet maker and has worked with alot of these tools and was such a blessing.

The spectators...

After cutting the piece out, they had to flip it over and work on routing out the underside of the edge where the sink sets because it was just sightly taller than the cabinets and it would not fit if they didn't do all this extra work.

Covered in soapstone dust.

Loy got many new toys for this project, including the router, orbital sander, belt sander, grinder, and he also got to use some other toys that he had, just haven't had the opportunity to play with yet, those were the circular saw, jig saw and drill.

The grinder.  Notice it is dark now.  They stared about 1:00 that afternoon and did not set the piece on the cabinets till about 7:00 that night.  It took a long time and Billy is just as much a perfectionist as Loy so it took a long time, but it looked GREAT once in.

Billy's daughter drawing with the kids who came up to see the progress.

Its in!!!

After they did this they cut the next big piece and got it ready to set the following day.

I don't have pictures from day three of four, but Sunday night Billy came back and between him, Loy, me, my mom, Ashlynn, and one armed dad, we got the other large piece installed.  After getting it done we decided it would have been better to do it the opposite way we did it, but we got it all in and set.

Day 4, Monday after work Billy came back and the guys epoxyed the seams and tried to place the bar, which didn't end up working and we had to have the trim carpenters come back out and fix the bar area.  The guys got it set and waiting for the new posts that will support the other side.  More pictures to come...

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