Follow our family as we build our dream house and live our life in between.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Making room and frustrations

Well, not much has been going on with the house, well, things are happening, just not exciting changes like before.  I mean who wants to look at wires hanging out of the wall and ceiling and pipes sticking up everywhere?  Things are moving alright, just not as fast as I would like.  I know this is the part that goes slow, but still... geezz...

So what has happened?  Plumbing is done, electricity is done (waiting on inspection), siding and railing is here waiting to be put on, heat and air done.  The siding has been here since last Wednesday or Thursday and we thought they would have been getting things done with that this week, well they have started, but that's the frustrating part, they have done the eaves, and the ceilings of the porch's and wrapped the bottom half of the house with Tyvex (plastic wrap around the house that goes under the siding).  The did all that Monday and Tuesday.  Today they came out, but did nothing.  Not sure why.  Maybe it has to do with the inspection of the electric work?  I don't know.  All I know is they are wasting precious time, time that I could be one day closer to being out of this trailer and in my house.  All in time... I know it will happen and I want it done right.

Since I can't buy things for my house, since we are not at that point yet- tile, countertops, toilets, sinks, stuff like that, I have been itching to buy something for the house.  So I have been scouring Craigslist looking for items that I fill my beautiful home when it is done.  It is going to be four times the size of where we are now and I am worried we will not have enough furniture to fill it.  But, I do not have room to store items, besides our little shop building that I have full of stuff, mostly baby stuff and an old piano, so I have also been listing things on Craigslist so to make room for other items.  I know it sounds horrible, get rid of stuff to get more stuff.  I have been trying to get rid of most of this stuff for a while now and more keeps piling up, but I refuse to take it to Goodwill.  I guess I feel like if I can make some money on these items, then I will feel a little better about buying new stuff that is more suitable for our home and time in our life.  Since we are not having any more kids, we do not need things like high chairs, or infant car seats or bumbos, or the like.  I tried to have a garage sale last year with little success, I was going to have another this year and join with some others, but schedules never worked out to do it.  I know Loy will be thrilled when he finds out I am getting rid of stuff, only to find I am getting more.  But it will be out shortly too, this other stuff will not be going into the new house, so it only makes sense right?  Although I am not having much success selling my stuff either.  I may soon have to end up just taking in all in to Goodwill and get my tax receipt.

1 comment:

  1. I'm having the same problem with baby stuff overtaking my house and garage! I have no patience for Craigslist and my garage sale flopped big time. I'm going to try one of these consignment sales and then it is all going to goodwill!
