Follow our family as we build our dream house and live our life in between.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Rain-good, Rain-bad

Well, its been raining again.  Thanks to the tropical storm we are getting some good rain.  We have needed the rain desperately.  Since the massive amounts of rain we recieved back in May and June and July it stopped and then it got extremely hot and dry.  VERY hot, well over 100 degrees for a while.  So that is why this rain is a good one.  Why is it bad?  Work stopped again yesterday.  They are working on the siding and couldn't work yesterday.  Bummer!  But they are here now and working hard.

Electrical inspection done.  Framing inspection done.  Sheathing inspection done, that is why they didn't start working on the siding last week, the county called them and told them they needed to do a sheathing inspection, which Mark had never heard them have to do and made them come straight out and do it, but of course they didn't and it took an extra day.

Mark told me yesterday what was going to happen next.  Insulation today and tomorrow.  Then sheet rock next week.  They are working on the siding and will probably be done with that about middle of next week and the top porch will be put down at that point too.  Then things will look much different.  He also told me I need to pick out my kitchen appliances so they can get the sizes set for the cabinet makers.  After insulation and sheet rocking is done, wood floors go down and trim pieces.  Wow!  I can't believe we are already to this point.  Finally!  I am so excited about picking stuff out, but also nervous.  Its the money thing.  I have very expensive taste, but don't want to pay the expensive prices.  LOL!  But I also don't want to waste money on something that I don't love or has to be replaced in a few years.  Ho, hum, this will be a challenge.  Poor Loy...  hope I don't give him a heart attack with stress!  If anyone has any good advice on how to save money on good quality products, please share.

Once things start looking different, I will take more pictures.  Like I said before, not much picture worthy things going on quite yet, but soon.

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