Follow our family as we build our dream house and live our life in between.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Beautiful table... disappointment.

As I said before, I have been scouring Craiglist for anything to fill my house.  Well, last night I found a beautiful dinning room table.  It is an antique round table with 4 leafs.  It didn't have a location, but said delivery was available.  The area code for the the add was 605, so I looked it up and it was out of South Dakota, but sometimes people move and keep their old cell phone number, but are local  with a different area code, so I was holding out hope that was true.  So I called the guy and sure enough he was in South Dakota.  When I asked him if delivery was available to Oklahoma, he said "Well, I don't know thats an awful long way to go."  And I said, "Well, if you listed it on the Oklahoma site then why wouldn't you deliver here if that wasn't an option?"  He said he had a friend that drove back and forth to TX and might be able to bring it back, but he was on his way back to SD and was unsure when he was going to go back.  Well, I told him to talk to his friend and let me know if that was an option.  I am sure I won't hear anything back from him. :o(   I am pretty upset about the fact that he listed it all over and said delivery was an option, but was unsure if he could deliver it this far.  Why do that if its not an option?  So if anyone is going to South Dakota and can pick up a table let me know, I might even pay you if you pick it up for me!  It just figures that I find something so perfect that I love and its not really available to me.  Thats my luck.  Either that or it gets sold out from under me, I will tell someone I am interested and would like to buy it and they sell it to someone else.  Well, lets hope he calls me back and it all works out.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Appliance advice

I got an email from my mom the other day that said their refrigerator wasn't working again and that she was talking to the repair guy about me.  She told him that I was building a new house and was getting a houseful of new appliances and well, he told her to have me call him and he would talk to me about what to get and what to stay away from.  So for 2 days we have been playing phone tag, but we finally got to chat and WOW!  What an amazing guy he is for doing this for me.  We talked for an hour and a half and he gave me so much information, I could probably be a repair man now.  Not really, but I do know alot more than I did before.  I also know that what I thought I wanted and what I thought was good, is actually not what I want at all.  I was going to go with the Electrolux brand, but not anymore.  I am going to be taking the information I learned from him and take it to the store and pick out all new stuff.  For one, he said go with the appliances that have the least amount of computerized stuff.  Which I already knew because Loy always said that, that is why I got a pretty plain Jane washer and dryer when we bought those 6 years ago.  He said computer parts are the first thing to go out and they are the most expensive and that is what this repair man said too.  Man my husband is so smart.  I should listen to him more.  LOL  So I am going to look at some appliances tomorrow.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Upstairs changes...

Here is a look at the upstairs.  These rooms are harder to take pictures of since there are walls and you can only see a corner at a time instead of most of the room.  These might be kinda boring to most of you, but oh well... look at them anyway!

This is the girls room.  It is a really good size!  Plenty of room to share!

The windows in their room.  Looks out back.

Closet (left) and bathroom (right).  Their closet is a good size too!  Lucky girls...

Bathroom.  Bathtub in bathroom.  (just in case you couldn't tell)

Andrews room.

Rec room/play room/movie room, whatever its going to be.  Probably all of them.  There is Loy checking the floor and complaining that they still have to screw the floor down where it is squeaking.

Half of the office/sewing room (HA!)

Storage room.

I didn't get any pictures of our room, it wasn't done plus it was really messy.

The entrance to our gigantic shower.

More pictures to come in the next couple weeks!  Coming next is cabinets, trim and hardwood floors!  Eeee.... so exciting!!!  I have to pick out my appliances by next week and I don't know what I am going to get. I thought I was going to get Electrolux everything, but some of the reviews are not do great on some things.  So if anyone has any advice... let me hear it...

Changes are happening!

Things are starting to look very different- finally.  The siding is almost done, there is only the top half of front of the house that is not done.  They were waiting to put a water barrier material down on the porch and lower part of the wall on the outside to protect if from getting wet and rotting.

So that is all that is left of the siding.  Then the Trex will go down up there and then the rest of the trim pieces and railing.  Columns are in and they look alright I wish they were a little bigger, they look kinda like toothpicks, but they'll be alright.

They are also working on the chimney and I really like it!  I like the color of the brick and I like the little design they chose to do.  I am anxious to see how the top is going to look.  This brick will also go around the skirting of the house and will be the steps.  It will make the white not seem so overbearing, that and the shutters, but that won't be till the end.
Another look at the chimney.

Part of the front door.  The sidelights are in, but the transom is on back order.  This is not my door, this is just a construction door.  It will stay up till the end so the real, good, nice, expensive door doesn't get messed up.

Inside things are really looking different!  They have most of the sheetrock up.  The whole downstairs is done.  The upstairs, mostly.  I am really loving it!

Here is the garage, the back wall is where the washer and dryer.  I know alot are going to say, "why are you putting your washer and dryer in the garage?"  Well, thats where they are in the original plan and if you remember this 'garage' is not really the real garage, this was another room/bathroom.  And we plan on doing that, someday, we just decided to do it the garage now to save money.  If we need it for a mother-in-law space later then we will finish it out.  So that is why the W/D is in the garage.  We also wanted to keep it ground level cause I like to hang clothes out on the line and it wouldn't be very fun going down stairs to do that.

The other side of the garage.  The door going into the house, the water closet and then in the corner (where you can't see is the stairs going upstairs.

There they are.  Covered in insulation and other junk!

The kitchen looking in from the garage door.  I am so glad we decided to move the cabinet and bar area.  That pony wall there is where the cabinet with the stove will go on this side and the bar is on the other side.  Where that circle is in the floor in the middle of the room is where the wall was going to be originally.

Looking at the kitchen from the family room.  Powder room to the right.

The back doors.  The two middle are fixed and the two outside open.

Pantry(right) and fridge area (left).

Dinning room and Loy being goofy.

Living room.

Family room from the kitchen.

Well that is the downstairs and outside.  I will do the upstairs in another post, since this one has so many pictures already.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Rain-good, Rain-bad

Well, its been raining again.  Thanks to the tropical storm we are getting some good rain.  We have needed the rain desperately.  Since the massive amounts of rain we recieved back in May and June and July it stopped and then it got extremely hot and dry.  VERY hot, well over 100 degrees for a while.  So that is why this rain is a good one.  Why is it bad?  Work stopped again yesterday.  They are working on the siding and couldn't work yesterday.  Bummer!  But they are here now and working hard.

Electrical inspection done.  Framing inspection done.  Sheathing inspection done, that is why they didn't start working on the siding last week, the county called them and told them they needed to do a sheathing inspection, which Mark had never heard them have to do and made them come straight out and do it, but of course they didn't and it took an extra day.

Mark told me yesterday what was going to happen next.  Insulation today and tomorrow.  Then sheet rock next week.  They are working on the siding and will probably be done with that about middle of next week and the top porch will be put down at that point too.  Then things will look much different.  He also told me I need to pick out my kitchen appliances so they can get the sizes set for the cabinet makers.  After insulation and sheet rocking is done, wood floors go down and trim pieces.  Wow!  I can't believe we are already to this point.  Finally!  I am so excited about picking stuff out, but also nervous.  Its the money thing.  I have very expensive taste, but don't want to pay the expensive prices.  LOL!  But I also don't want to waste money on something that I don't love or has to be replaced in a few years.  Ho, hum, this will be a challenge.  Poor Loy...  hope I don't give him a heart attack with stress!  If anyone has any good advice on how to save money on good quality products, please share.

Once things start looking different, I will take more pictures.  Like I said before, not much picture worthy things going on quite yet, but soon.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Making room and frustrations

Well, not much has been going on with the house, well, things are happening, just not exciting changes like before.  I mean who wants to look at wires hanging out of the wall and ceiling and pipes sticking up everywhere?  Things are moving alright, just not as fast as I would like.  I know this is the part that goes slow, but still... geezz...

So what has happened?  Plumbing is done, electricity is done (waiting on inspection), siding and railing is here waiting to be put on, heat and air done.  The siding has been here since last Wednesday or Thursday and we thought they would have been getting things done with that this week, well they have started, but that's the frustrating part, they have done the eaves, and the ceilings of the porch's and wrapped the bottom half of the house with Tyvex (plastic wrap around the house that goes under the siding).  The did all that Monday and Tuesday.  Today they came out, but did nothing.  Not sure why.  Maybe it has to do with the inspection of the electric work?  I don't know.  All I know is they are wasting precious time, time that I could be one day closer to being out of this trailer and in my house.  All in time... I know it will happen and I want it done right.

Since I can't buy things for my house, since we are not at that point yet- tile, countertops, toilets, sinks, stuff like that, I have been itching to buy something for the house.  So I have been scouring Craigslist looking for items that I fill my beautiful home when it is done.  It is going to be four times the size of where we are now and I am worried we will not have enough furniture to fill it.  But, I do not have room to store items, besides our little shop building that I have full of stuff, mostly baby stuff and an old piano, so I have also been listing things on Craigslist so to make room for other items.  I know it sounds horrible, get rid of stuff to get more stuff.  I have been trying to get rid of most of this stuff for a while now and more keeps piling up, but I refuse to take it to Goodwill.  I guess I feel like if I can make some money on these items, then I will feel a little better about buying new stuff that is more suitable for our home and time in our life.  Since we are not having any more kids, we do not need things like high chairs, or infant car seats or bumbos, or the like.  I tried to have a garage sale last year with little success, I was going to have another this year and join with some others, but schedules never worked out to do it.  I know Loy will be thrilled when he finds out I am getting rid of stuff, only to find I am getting more.  But it will be out shortly too, this other stuff will not be going into the new house, so it only makes sense right?  Although I am not having much success selling my stuff either.  I may soon have to end up just taking in all in to Goodwill and get my tax receipt.