Follow our family as we build our dream house and live our life in between.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Work begins!!!

So last week "Dozer Guy" came out and started working on the driveway and pad.  We were gone so I left the picture taking up to my mom and she did a great job.  Sending us updates and pictures of the progress on our phones while we were enjoying our small get away to Miami.  "Doze Guy" came out Friday morning,
worked all day and then continued Saturday and worked all day.  It is amazing how much work he got done in such a short time and he did a superior job.
He cut down the dam, A LOT...
And put in drainage pipes on both sides of the dam for overflow...
There he goes, over the dam, cutting it away and all those wonderful, nasty blackberry bushes.  We have a love/hate relationship with those blackberry bushes.  We love the blackberries, but hate the bushes.  The best and easiest bushes to get to on the property were right there on that dam.  That was very sad to see go.
And there he is back in the trees, making the pad for our wonderful house.
And the kids enjoying the show.  It doesn't show very well in this picture, but Mom said Andrew was fascinated with the dozer and watched it all morning the first day.  I wish we could have been there to see the pure joy in his eyes.  What could be more cool to a little boy than watching something as cool as that?!

He was done with all dirt work Saturday afternoon and said there was a truck set up to bring gravel Tuesday morning.  Well, what happened Sunday night through Monday afternoon.  Only something that would happen to us, or anyone who begins work on a new house and is depending on good weather.  Yup, thats right, it rained 3+ inches and made everything a huge muddy mess.  So much so that now gravel has to wait to come till Thursday or Friday this week.  But one good thing about the rain, it showed us that everything looks really great and works just like it is suppose to and draining in the right places, just wish we could have gotten the gravel on first.  We are now sending up prayers to the rain gods to hold off till next week or longer.  If they can get gravel down on the road, trucks can go across it rain or no rain.  I am just not sure what all they can do on the house if it does rain.

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