Follow our family as we build our dream house and live our life in between.

Monday, June 14, 2010

More RAIN!!

Late breaking news... ITS RAINING AGAIN!!!!!  Not only is it raining, its FLOODING!  Weather man said this is a historical event.  8-9 inches in 24 hours.  Loy's boss called him to let him and all his coworkers not to come downtown cause it was flooded.  I have heard report of several people stuck on the roads trying to get somewhere, but can't get anywhere cause of the flooding.  I am in the process of packing up to go to Texas to stay with my sister-in-law for the week, but not sure I should even leave for a while because of the roads.  What does that mean for our house?  Not sure yet.  They weren't suppose to come out till Tuesday and Wednesday to do heat and air, but even if it stops raining I am not sure if the will still be able to come out and work.  Mark told us when we started "This is the perfect time to start because it really starts to dry out and we won't have much problems with weather."  Of course this has to be the year of all years of setting all kinds of records and really crazy unpredictable weather.  I guess that is Oklahoma for you though.  C'est la vie!

Pictures added...

The beginning.  Thought it was good.  Pretty close to the road, but still draining well.

Right up to the edge.

Then this and hour later...
Behind the dam.  The overflow.  Never seen it like this before.

Our road...
Another shot of the road.  Just crazy!!!
Overflow pipe working overtime and just not keeping up.
Another shot of our 'river'.
Me standing on our road on the dam.
Our house.  Looks pretty good considering what the pond and and dam.

The first year we lived in this house we got a ton of rain, that was the year it rained 33 days straight, but it was a steady rain, not 10 inches in a few hours.  Now it didn't rain that much here, but it is still alot of rain and they are expecting more.  If you want to see some incredible rescue scenes and something out of a movie check out some of the local news channels online.

Now off to pack the car and get out of here!

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