Follow our family as we build our dream house and live our life in between.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Tomato cages and baby veggies!!

My friend and gardening cohort made tomato cages for our growing tomatoes last week.  She went home to Nebraska and brought home free electric wire posts.  I had used chicken wire, so we cut those in half and made circles and whoa-la tomato cages.
This is really a terrible picture of the cages.  But we made 30!

And it didn't take us very long at all which I was kinda surprised about.

We then pulled some weeds and found baby veggies on our plants!!  We spotted tomatoes and peppers!

Not sure what kind of pepper this is

A few days later I found some sweet little peas and more peppers.

Onion topper

I am going to have to replant a few things like the squash, okra and some beans because they didn't come up.  Bonnie, a lady at my church that is my go-to for all kinds of questions about gardening and farming, said that it probably got cold after I planted and they rotted under ground, so I guess I'm going to replant.

I am also going to give them a little fertilizer and see if that won't help them grow a little bigger.  I also messed up and didn't get straw soon enough, so we are fighting weeds.  That and the composted manure I bought had weed seeds all in it and they are terrible!  So I plan on getting some straw hopefully today or tomorrow so I don't have to spend all my time weeding in the heat!!

Also finally made the tee-pee's for the kids gardens.  Some of the seeds I planted for them didn't come up either, but the pumpkins which are to climb the tee-pees are taking off!!!

Made out of free bamboo I got!

Pumpkin plant on left and morning glory on center right.  These will climb up tee-pee!

I went to Lowe's to get some rope (and a few other things) to go around the tee-pees for them to climb, but of course that is the one thing I forgot.  Next time...

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