Follow our family as we build our dream house and live our life in between.

Friday, May 20, 2011

How does your garden grow?

My friend and I decided to do a big garden this year.  I was planning on doing a garden, but I was going to start out small as to not get overwhelmed and then get a bit bigger each year.  But my friend, Danielle, asked me if she could join me so we decided to do a big garden and kinda share the work.  Loy and I and his dad set the fence posts and marked out the beds.  Then one Friday Danielle and her kids (she also has three kids within three years) came over and we planted ALL DAY LONG!  It went much faster with two I am sure.  She would dig the trench and I would plant the seeds. We made great progress and got everything we had done!  We were hot, tired and sunburned but it was lots of fun!  Then her husband, Kevin, came over the next day and he and Loy put the fence up around the area.  We did an area of 35ft X 50ft, which had five 3ft X 28 (or so)ft beds, with extra space on both ends.  We planted everything, beans, corn, squash, lettuce, tomatoes, carrots, broccoli, cabbage, okra, tomatoes, peppers, potatoes, sweet potatoes, a few herbs, strawberries, pumpkins... geez, I can't remember everything.  We are planning on learning how to can as well once our bounty is in.  It will be new for me and somewhat new to her, but she's experienced it since her family has done this sort of thing forever.  We have bought tons of canning jars from yard sales and Craigslist.  And I can't say for her for sure, but I am super excited to learn how to can!

Rows of lettuce.  Red on the right and a green type on left.

It has been so fun going outside everyday to see what is new in the garden, or how big things have gotten.  Planting seeds in the ground and seeing them come up is pretty exciting!!  

Two rows of tomatoes and a row of onions
Beans and corn

Pumpkins and morning glories, in the kids garden (More on these later)

Squash seeding

Tomato blooms!!!

Pepper blooms!!

Potato plant

Something is eating the bean plants.  I haven't ever seen any bugs on them, so not sure what they are, but they are getting them.  I need something to get rid of them.  I am trying to stick to the whole organic thing so if anyone has any recommendations, please share.

1 comment:

  1. my sister says to sprinkle cornstarch on them, cheap and effective bug and worm killer. Not harmful to us, but smothers them.
