Follow our family as we build our dream house and live our life in between.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Flylady, routines, couponing and more

Wow, I have been bad about keeping up.  I have just been busy trying to get use to my new surroundings and trying to get into a routine (which hasn't really set in yet).  I am still not fully unpacked, but I have my kitchen clean, and well, most of my downstairs.  I have no decorations up on the wall yet, I need hangers first.  Plus, I'm nervous about punching holes in my walls.  But I need to, I need some sound dampeners.  I still need to go through several boxes, especially in the garage so I can get it cleaned up.  I still have stuff in our shop building, but I asked Loy to let me get everything taken care of here first before we brought more over.  I plan on having a huge garage sale this spring then what ever doesn't sell will go to Goodwill.

I need Flylady back in my life.  When I started school I used her to help me keep a house cleaning schedule and I did well for a little while, but became a slacker and now I need to get back to it.  My laundry is out of control still, I need to clean my bathrooms regularly, keep my dishes up and sink empty.  I also want to be able to spend more time with my kids and I think this will help me get the things done that need to be done daily, instead of letting it get out of control and then have to spend hours on getting it caught up only to ignore my kids.

My next adventure is couponing.  A few of my friends went to a coupon class a couple weeks ago and I started reading the blog and learning lots and decided I was going to try and do this to save money.  I have gone two weeks and done ok.  Then last night I went to one of her classes and learned alot.  I am very excited about using all of these tools to save lots of money on groceries for my family and then be able to turn around and give back to others.  I will keep you all updated on my progress and share how much I have saved.  Then I plan on saving a ton more when I start my adventure in gardening, canning and freezing.  That is a whole blog in itself and I am very excited about getting that started with my friend Danielle.  With the weather getting so nice after our blizzards the last couple weeks has really get me excited about getting outside.  I have ordered a couple seed catalogues, but haven't got them yet.   I will be starting from scratch and have lots to figure out.  I need to find my book that I bought a couple years ago about vegetable gardening.  Anyway, more on that later.

I finally got my PRN position at work.  After this week I will switch over and I can work as little as one day a week!  Of course, I have to pay for my new house so I have to work two for the most part. My goal for my hours is enough to pay the mortgage and maybe I can work one extra shift a month to save for other things like decorations, plants, furniture, stuff to make my patio outside and other things that come up.  It will be so much easier on me to keep  up with everything else around here and hopefully be a better mom and housewife.  

Geeze, I feel like that is alot for right now, so I will leave it at that and try to be better about keeping things updated and post more.  I promise I will add pictures soon.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you finally got your PRN! Woo Hooo! You have worked your butt off the past few years! You need break to get your house in order. Can't wait to see it again once you are all unpacked! Have a great weekend!
