Follow our family as we build our dream house and live our life in between.

Monday, July 12, 2010

"If you want it to rain...

...wash your car.  If you want it to rain A LOT, build a house." - Loy Smith.  This has become a law of nature around here and a new saying.  Here are the statistics of the amount of rain we have gotten in this area since we started building our house.

June 14th was a record breaker for OKC for most rain fall at 7.62 inches in a 24 hour period.  The official rain totals are measured at Will Rogers Airport, but some place in the metro area reported over 12 inches of rain.  There were flooded streets, homes, lost cars, and lots of damage.  The average total rainfall for the whole month of June is 4.3 inches.  But before and after that it rained almost everyday as well.

In July we have had more rainy days than not.  Average rain fall for July is 2.6 inches.  To date we have had WAY more than that with another day just last week of flooding.  I could not find the exact amounts, but its a lot!  Its like spring out there.  Although when it stops raining and the sun comes out it is super humid because well, it is July.  We have just had a mud pit out here and it has been nearly impossible for them to get much work done.  But we do now have the first floor framed and with sheathing on the outside thanks to some really devoted framers.  Actually they were probably desperate for a job with all this rain that they got out here and got as much done as they could.  Pictures coming!

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