Follow our family as we build our dream house and live our life in between.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Beginning to look kind of like a house.

Some time last week a couple trucks brought in lumber.

The ground was still wet so they had to back all the way down the driveway so they wouldn't get stuck.  Hey, whatever works...

Then it got dumped in the mud and then of course it rained on it.  Loy was not real happy about it, but at least it is here.

Saturday the crew came out, but left shortly after they arrived and said they were going to give it one more day to dry out.  We thought "Oh they will be back first thing Monday morning."  Nope, 7:30 Sunday morning a truck full of workers drove down the drive and started working.  Being Sunday morning we went to church and we arrived home that afternoon this is what we saw from out yard!  I am sure they were taking full advantage of the semi-dry day that we had.  I am sure they were desperate for work as much as we were desperate for work to be done on our house.

This was yesterday late morning just before the rain started.  I really wanted to go see it, but not while there was workers.

It rained lightly from about 9:00 till about 9:30 and they continued to work.  Then it cleared up till about 11 then rained a lot harder.  I heard them working through it at first, then they just hung out.  See truck above?  They tried.

Rain falling on the pond.  Its beautiful on any normal day, but not when you've already had 3 times as much rain than usual and you have workers working on your house.  Then they all packed up about 1:00 and left.  Not sure when they will be back.  Hopefully tomorrow.  There is very little chance of rain for the rest of the week and part of next week.  Oh well...

Here is the garage doors. And our muddy driveway, for now.

Front door.

Family room looking from the kitchen.

Kitchen from the family room.

Back wall of windows and doors.  Its going to be beautiful and our back yard (after a lot of work) is going to be gorgeous.

This is my teeny-tiny kitchen.  The wall on the right is the back wall where the refrigerator and double oven will go.  The two pipes on the back wall is where the sink and dishwasher go.  Then if you can see the pipe sticking up on the left side (its kinda in between the two studs.) that is where the down draft will be for the stove, so that counter area is the other end of the kitchen area.  It is much smaller than I had thought it was going to be.  I hope its bigger than I think, but I thought it looked small now and thats before counters and cabinets. This was the room I was looking forward to the most because in my current kitchen I have not much room to do much of anything and this kitchen is not that much bigger than what I have right now.  It will be nice and new and beautiful, just not very big. 

This is the back of the house from the back yard.  There are going to be more windows in there they are just not cut out yet.

The back corner of the house, that little concrete piece jutting out is where the fireplace will be.

We were probably the coolest parents in the world yesterday cause we let the kids jump in the puddles and play in the mud.  They had an absolute blast, but boy were they messy.

Those are the faces of some extremely happy kiddos.  Pure joy and pure mess! 


  1. So happy to see such progress! And the kids having so much fun. You know they will want to do that everytime they see a puddle, don't you?

  2. Ok I'm a really big dork but this just actually made me tear up! I'm so excited for you to finally be seeing your dream built before your eyes! Your kitchen will be perfect so don't worry about that. And I can't imagine what your tub looked like after bathing those 3 that night!

  3. Thank you Danielle, it is very exciting. I can't wait till it is done and have everyone over finally.
