Follow our family as we build our dream house and live our life in between.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


I have been wanting to start a blog for a while now, but just never had a good starting point.  We are starting to build our house that has been 3 years in the making, so this is to keep family and friends who have been part of the process since the beginning, or at least heard all about it, in the know.  Most of these friends and family are not around to be part of the process and watch progress so that is why I am starting this.  For anyone else who wants to join us on our journey is more than welcome.

I'll give a short intro to myself and my family.  I am a 26 year old wife, mother, nurse, friend, daughter, sister and much more, but probably he first and most important is I am a Christian.  I am married to my best friend.  Loy is a wonderful, hard working father.  He brings joy to my life and I am not sure I could make it without him.  I am a full time stay-at-home mom to three beautiful but crazy kids.  Grace is 4 and very smart.  That is both a good thing and a difficult thing.  She definitely has a mind of her own.  Andrew is 2.5 and super sweet.  He is going through the terrible twos and finding his independence.  He is protector of his sisters.  Claire is 16 months and quite the character.  She loves all things music and love to be ornery to her siblings, but loves to cuddle and give kisses.  Grace was 3 months from turning 3 when Claire was born, so they are very close in age.  My prayer is that they also have a close relationship as they grow up together.  So far, I believe they do.  I believe they truly love each other.  Not only do I work full time as a mother and homemaker, but I am am also I full time nurse at a local hospital.  I have been a nurse since last May and so far I believe I made the right choice in profession.  I love helping people and seeing them go home better partly because of me.  I love to garden and do most everything crafty, thanks to my mom.  There are a lot of things I like to do, but just do not have the time to do right now with everything else I have going on in my life.  Shoot, I don't even have enough time to do the things I need to do or suppose to do...

Loy and I married 6 years ago coming in May.  We bought a home in town, but a year a half later we had the opportunity to buy some property a bit further out.  We bought 15 acres out in Harrah next to some of our very good friends.  Its probably not as much land as we would like to have, but it is in a great location and we can see ourselves living here for a very long time. There was a single wide trailer on the property and decided we could survive that for a few years.  That was three years ago and Gracie had just turned one when we moved in.  Since then we have added two more kids to the mix and the walls are closing in on us.  I was in nursing school and that is the reason we decided to hold off on the building process.  Now we are ready and things are starting to come together.  This is just the beginning and there is lots more to do so stick around and watch the process and things turn upside down and then finally come together.  Pictures to come soon.  Oh and we should here back on our bid from our favorite contractor.  We are hoping it is within our budget because we like him so much.


  1. Thanks for doing this Carissa! I look forward to watching your progress from afar. Keep up the good work!
    Love you!

  2. Yay! I am glad you have a blog to follow!
