Follow our family as we build our dream house and live our life in between.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Snow days, snow daze.

So obviously this is a back post, but I wanted to share these picture.  Shortly after we moved in we got be break in the wood stove

just in time for Sno-kahoma or Sno-magedon as it was so lovingly became known as, not just in Oklahoma but across the nation.  The first storm hit on a Monday night while I was a work and I had to drive home in blizzard and snow drifts and straight horizontal blowing snow.  School was closed for 3 days with this storm (if my memory is correct)  Loy got to stay home a couple of those days.  Friday Grace went to school.  The next storm hit just a couple days later, while I was at work, and I had to drive home in it, but this storm was much more pleasant because it was minus the 50 mile an hour wind.  Again, no school for another two days and Loy home one of those days.  This time we got to go outside and PLAY!  It was alot of fun and we had a blast.  Not great snow for making snowballs, although we did our best, or a snowman, but we still had fun.
Snow angels, with help from Belle.

Daddy and Claire

"I'm gonna getcha Momma!"

Watch out behind you Grace!!!

Claire was not having much fun.

The snow was so deep that Belle couldn't walk through it well.  It was so funny to watch her run in it.

The dogs had a blast too

Andrew, Belle and I went for a walk down to the pond, but Belle couldn't make it so I had to carry her.


The White House in the white snow.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful family, beautiful home, beautiful fun!

    So glad you visited at Red Farmhouse today. I have a homeschool page, just in case you missed it.

    So nice to meet a fellow Okie farm girl!
