Follow our family as we build our dream house and live our life in between.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Papers signed... now lets get to building!

Finally after twice the amount of time this process should have taken, we signed our construction loan papers!!  I won't go into detail about why it took so long, but lets just say there were a few people that dropped the ball on a few things through out the ordeal, but it is done and over with and we can get started.  Mark, our contractor, came over yesterday to map out where the road will be and stake out where the house will be.  They are going to start next week and praying it stays dry long enough to get it going.  He said they should have the road and the pad done next week!  Loy and I will be gone next week.  Loy is going to Miami for work and I am going to tag along for a few days.  My mom is coming to keep the kids, she doesn't know it, but she is going to be photographer of the process for the first week.  I am super excited and hope that everything goes smoothly from here on out.  I doubt that is what will happen, but I hope.  If anyone has any words of advice or helpful tips, through them out there please as I am so new to this and have no idea what I am getting myself into.


  1. Yeah! I'm so excited for you!! And a weekend getaway to Miami too! Have fun! You deserve the break!

  2. I just hope I don't lead him astray and accidentally tell him to put it in the wrong place. That wouldn't be too funny - would it?

  3. Not really. Plus we already talked to him so he should know exactly what we want. all you do is take pictures.
